“The energy was UNMATCHED!”

The first part of our year is always a time to focus on student ministries, and we recently partnered with 2 national campus ministry organizations for major events. We worked with Athletes in Action at their regional conference in Chicago, and with Greek InterVarsity at their national conference in Indianapolis.

For both events, we provided technical production AND the team that lead musical worship. More than just play songs or run equipment, we work closely with their conference programming teams to design worship experiences where the musical moments dovetail with the teaching content to create an intentional, seamless experience for the students.

At the Greek InterVarsity conference, there were over 350 students in attendance, and 85 of them indicated making decisions to commit their lives to Jesus. That’s nearly 25 percent of the students who came! Over 200 more indicated some other sort of faith step, like stepping up to lead a bible study on campus, or letting something go in their lives that was keeping them from Jesus.

Even within our own team, we want to have an eye towards building the next generation of leaders. When we put together the worship team, we included three musicians/vocalists that are in their early 20s (above). Not just because we wanted a team that was relevant to our audience, but as a very deliberate way to bring some young musicians along to help expand their vision for how God might be calling them to use their talents.

Of course, we always enjoy leading musical worship as well, and the students at both conferences were VERY engaged. One of the students at the Athletes in Action conference gave feedback about the event in just 4 words: “The energy was UNMATCHED!” And that about sums up our feelings as well – it was truly amazing.

We cannot do the work we do without your prayers and sacrifices, so please know that you were right there with us as we saw students responding to worship, teaching and faith challenges. You’re helping us build the kingdom, equip ministries and see the next generation of student leaders becoming more like Jesus, and I’m deeply grateful.