Recovery Rocks!
September was National Recovery Month, and being part of the Recovery Rocks event in Ft. Wayne was definitely a highlight.
With over 1000 in attendance, the event featured music from the Two Eight Band, as well as speakers and testimonies. The event empowered families from all over Indiana who’ve been affected by overdose and substance abuse. We celebrated those walking in recovery and mourned the loss of loved ones and friends who did not survive their battle against addiction.
This is the 3rd year that Two Eight has been part of the event, and it’s an honor to work with leaders who will do everything in their power to help one more person find their comeback story.

Connecting Communities
More recently, Two Eight was a principal partner in planning and producing the inaugural Faith and Recovery Conference in Lafayette, IN on October 11th and 12th (shown above). Friday night opened with a night of worship, and Saturday featured main session talks and breakout sessions from elected officials and leaders from many agencies through the state.
The event’s purpose is to bring the church community into greater partnership with the various mental health and addiction recovery agencies in the state.
We saw a lot of great connections being made, and we’re hoping this will become a yearly event to help expand the nexus of Indiana’s recovery efforts and faith communities.
Looking Forward
We have a couple more events left this month, but we’re also already planning for early 2025. We’re planning to partner again with Cru‘s Campus Ministry, as well as Athletes in Action and Greek InterVarsity to produce worship for events coming up in December, January and February. It’s always rewarding to minister to college students and help them take their first steps into faith, or help them take the next step towards their calling. We’re glad to continue to partner with those ministries!
As we map out the end of 2024 and the start of 2025, we’re immensely grateful that you are standing with us as we work to create music and moments that move people towards Jesus!